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1018 results
Family Day - Alpaca Trekking with Gold- & Gemstone search
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 10 am
Landgut Edelweiss, SchlossstraรŸe 75, 5710 Kaprun

Alpaca Children & Family Tour with Gold & Gemstone Hunt

Guided dam tour
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 10 am | duration: 1h
Kaprun Hochgebirgsstauseen, MooserbodenstraรŸe 20, 5710 Kaprun
Learn more about the architecture of the dams in the course of a tour of the Mooserboden dams.
Dream and Reality - Exhibition Alfred KUBIN
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 10 am
Kulturverein Initiative Lohninghof, SeeuferstraรŸe 6, 5700 Zell am See

A tour through the works of Alfred Kubin.

Slow road train - lake round trip
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 11 am | duration: 1h
Hallenbad Parkplatz , Steinergasse 3-5, 5700 Zell am See
Enjoy a slow train ride around the lake accompanied by music for yound and old.
Water Show | Magic Lake Show
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 1 pm
Elisabethpark, Elisabeth-Promenade 4, 5700 Zell am See

Let yourself be surpirsed when the water dances harmoniously at the lake.

Nationalpark Gallery Tour
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 1 pm
TOP OF SALZBURG, Kitzsteinhorn, Kitzsteinhornplatz 1a, 5710 Kaprun

A mystical journey through the Kitzsteinhorn, guided by a ranger of the adjacent Hohe Tauern National Park.

Climbing experience on the MOBO 107
Wednesday, 04.09.2024
from 2 pm | duration: 2h
Kaprun Hochgebirgsstauseen, MooserbodenstraรŸe 20, 5710 Kaprun
Enjoy an extraordinary climbing experience on the MOBO 107!
Kitzsteinhorn Explorer Tour
Thursday, 05.09.2024
from 9 am | duration: 4h
Registration necessary: 0043 664 2010818, Kitzsteinhornplatz 1a, 5710 Kaprun

A National Park ranger guides participants via cable cars and short hikes through four climate zones from the valley all the way up to TOP OF SALZBURG.

Family Day - Adventure Day on the Farm with bread baking
Thursday, 05.09.2024
from 10 am
Hofladen Augut, Sonnbergweg 4, 5700 Zell am See
Discover the fascinating world of the farm and immerse yourself in exciting adventures for the whole family!