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1005 results
Water Show | Magic Lake Show
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 1 pm
Elisabethpark, Elisabeth-Promenade 4, 5700 Zell am See

Let yourself be surpirsed when the water dances harmoniously at the lake.

Nationalpark Gallery Tour
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 1 pm
TOP OF SALZBURG, Kitzsteinhorn, Kitzsteinhornplatz 1a, 5710 Kaprun

A mystical journey through the Kitzsteinhorn, guided by a ranger of the adjacent Hohe Tauern National Park.

Kids Bike Day | Trail Workshop
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 1 pm | duration: 2h
Maiskogel, Kitzsteinhornplatz 1a, Kitzsteinhornplatz 1a, 5710 Kaprun

Trail workshop for kids!

Golf Try Out | Systema Golf Academy
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 3 pm | duration: 1h
Golfclub Zell am See-Kaprun, GolfstraรŸe 25, 5700 Zell am See
A great course to explore the world of Golf.
Castle tour Kaprun Castle
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 5 pm | duration: 2h
Burg Kaprun, SchlossstraรŸe 55, 5710 Kaprun

Visit the castle of Kaprun!

Mystical Night of water
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 7.30 pm | duration: 2h
Sigmund Thun Klamm, 5710 Kaprun
After a stroll with torches, the legendary night of water brings the evening to a close by the campfire.
Summer Concerts in Zell: "Atalante Quartett"
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 7.30 pm
Ferry Porsche Congress Center, Brucker BundesstraรŸe 1, 5700 Zell am See
The special flair of the Zell city centre, the world-class artists and the community of our loyal concert visitorsย make the summer concerts a cultural highlight in Zell am See.
Concerts in Schรผttdorf
Monday, 26.08.2024
from 8 pm
Kirchplatz Schรผttdorf, KitzsteinhornstraรŸe 1, 5700 Zell am See
Let our musicians surprise you with their sounds.
Childrensday - Adventure day with horses
Tuesday, 27.08.2024
from 8.30 am | duration: 3h
Porsche Reitclub, Porsche Allee 935, 5700 Zell am See

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of horses and riding!