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1028 results
Balloonalps 2024
Thursday, 06.02.2025
from 7.30 am
Flugplatz Zell am See, KaprunerstraรŸe 15, 5700 Zell am See
An unbelievable atmosphere and an impressive mountain panorama in wintry conditions.
Balloonalps 2024
Friday, 07.02.2025
from 7.30 am
Flugplatz Zell am See, KaprunerstraรŸe 15, 5700 Zell am See
An unbelievable atmosphere and an impressive mountain panorama in wintry conditions.
Balloonalps 2024
Saturday, 08.02.2025
from 7.30 am
Flugplatz Zell am See, KaprunerstraรŸe 15, 5700 Zell am See
An unbelievable atmosphere and an impressive mountain panorama in wintry conditions.
Balloonalps 2024
Sunday, 09.02.2025
from 7.30 am
Flugplatz Zell am See, KaprunerstraรŸe 15, 5700 Zell am See
An unbelievable atmosphere and an impressive mountain panorama in wintry conditions.
Saturday, 22.02.2025
from 10 am
Breiteckbahn , Schmitten 46, 5700 Zell am See
NostalSki is a must for all lovers of nostalgia and absolute โ€œGaudiโ€ โ€“ for participants and spectators.
Icehockey World Tournament 2025
Friday, 18.04.2025
from 8 am
Eishalle Zell am See, Steinergasse 3-5, 5700 Zell am See
The Ice Hockey World Tournament once again calls on all up-and-coming talents to present their passion to a wide audience.
Icehockey World Tournament 2025
Saturday, 19.04.2025
from 8 am
Eishalle Zell am See, Steinergasse 3-5, 5700 Zell am See
The Ice Hockey World Tournament once again calls on all up-and-coming talents to present their passion to a wide audience.
Icehockey World Tournament 2025
Sunday, 20.04.2025
from 8 am
Eishalle Zell am See, Steinergasse 3-5, 5700 Zell am See
The Ice Hockey World Tournament once again calls on all up-and-coming talents to present their passion to a wide audience.
Icehockey World Tournament 2025
Monday, 21.04.2025
from 8 am
Eishalle Zell am See, Steinergasse 3-5, 5700 Zell am See
The Ice Hockey World Tournament once again calls on all up-and-coming talents to present their passion to a wide audience.